Blue Feather and Brass Bell Equine Mane Dangler - Jewelry for Horses - Indian Pony Costume

Shared by mybuddybling in the General Crafts

Product Description:

The Blue Feather and Brass Bell Equine Mane Dangler can be used to make any horse look like an Indian pony. It has two feathers from a moulting, rescued Scarlet Macaw. The feathers are blue on the front side and red on the back. Gorgeous! Carved wooden beads are wrapped in string in an intricate macrame design. A solid brass bell makes a comforting sound and is 1/2 inch wide by 1 inch long.

An alligator hair clip is used for attaching the dangler to your equine buddy's mane. Length is 13.5 inches not including the 1-inch clip.

This item is a OOAK (hand-made one-of-a-kind). Our model is a 'this-wasn't-in-my-contract' war pony Ginger.


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