On the first page there are 2 photo mats. Above the first photo mat starts the title. "Boys are 'SON-Flowers too!" I then created a tag above the second photo mat and I hand stitched with embroidery thread. Below the two photo mats I've added a green border to look like grass and there are layered sunflowers and a little caterpillar.
Then on the second page of the layout there are also two photo mats. Above the first photo mat is a sun peeking over. I've hand drawn, cut out and pieced it together. I then inked the edges for detail and dimension. The title finishes underneath this photo mat with "too!" Then there is the bear holding sunflowers and next to him is a wheelbarrow with flowers. I then created two paper pieced flowers pots and added flowers inside. Above the second photo mat it says "Sweet Boy" and I"ve also added a layered embellishment to the corner.