LovelyThingsbyJG Top handmade crafts | craftjuice

candle holder by thingsbyJG on Etsy
small candle holder.placed on your kitchen,bedroom,living room,garden..small and so cute and fits everywhere!
candle holder....fascinating,unique,prototype!!!!!!!!
candle holder.placed on your kitchen,bedroom,living room,garden..small and so cute and fits everywhere!!!!
wonderful and ...
holder for ringsearrings and..woman little stuff... by thingsbyJG
holder for rings,earrings and..woman little stuff plus candle holder! placed on your bathroom,bedroom,living room,..small and ...
candle holder....fascinatinguniqueprototype by thingsbyJG on Etsy
small candle holder placed on your kitchen,bedroom,living room,
garden..small and so cute and fits everywhere.
holder for ringsearrings and..woman little stuff... by thingsbyJG
holder for rings,earrings and..woman little stuff...!! placed on yourbathroom,bedroom,living room,..small and so cute and fits ...
heart wall decor valentinegifts for her or by thingsbyJG on Etsy
Made from plaster,acrylic colours,glitter✿
Size:7.9" by 8.3"/thickness 0.8"
For Christmas day.✿
Includes a hook on the ...
candle holder....fascinatinguniqueprototype by thingsbyJG on Etsy
small tea light placed on your kitchen,bedroom,living room,
garden..small and so cute and fits everywhere.